
Rural Insurance

We know life on the land has its ups and downs. With customised cover from BurMac Insurance Solutions, you can be sure your farm, crops or contracting business are supported – no matter how difficult the season is.

Farm Insurance

As a farmer, you pour your time and resources into the land. But you know that things out of your control can cause devastating financial hardships. We’ll back you to be a helping hand when you need it the most. Our farm insurance packages will provide the peace of mind you need to focus on what you do best – farming!

Contractors Wrote

Contractors' Insurance

With more than 40 years’ experience working with rural contractors, we are well equipped to discuss your risk profile and insurance needs. We understand you have variable work over the season and a high level commitment to machinery. Our expert guidance will ensure you get just the right cover to protect your livelihood.

Crop Insurance

Cropping comes with unique risks. Major perils like hail and fire can often strike quickly and without warning.


With our access to a range of insurers, we can provide you with the best crop insurance cover at the right price, protecting your livelihood against the worst possible scenarios. Simply complete and return the crop insurance application form and we’ll gladly provide you with a competitive, comprehensive insurance solution.

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